OCT 29, 2013

An introduction to the wonderful world of plastic injection moulding

If you’re new to plastic injection moulding then the process can sound pretty technical and daunting at first, but it’s really a lot simpler than you may think.  In this blog we’re going to give you a brief introduction to what plastic injection moulding is and how the process works.

What is it?

Plastic injection moulding is simply a method used to manufacture plastic parts or products.  The variety in size and shape of the types of products that can be manufactured this way is huge and ranges from small plastic children’s toys to large pieces of furniture.  Plastic injection moulding is a very popular form of manufacturing because it is such a flexible method and it allows for a very large quantity of parts to be made very quickly and with great accuracy.

How does it work?

The plastic injection moulding process is performed by machines which uses thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers to create the end products.  The injection moulding machine heats up the polymer until it turns to liquid and then uses high pressure to force the liquid into a mould.  The liquid polymer will then take the exact same shape as the mould that it has been pressed into.  The plastic moulding is then left for long enough to allow it to cool and harden before the moulds are opened and the parts are released.

Plastic injection moulding is particularly useful if the parts or products that you want to produce have a lot of intricate detail.  Producing complex pieces uses plastic injection machinery is relatively low in cost compared to other methods and also very accurate.  A large quantity of uniform pieces or products can be produced very quickly using this method making it a popular manufacturing option.

Created on 29th October 2013
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